ipbprinting - Memajukan UKM Indonesia

A Mosaic of Indonesia Energy Policy

  • IPB Press






Rp. 77.000

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Indonesia’s energy problems are multifaceted and challenging. This book describes the situation clearly and at the same time the content represents a ‘mosaic’ of the complicated energy problems the country is facing. Among the topics covered are energy policy issues on the development of natural gas, electricity, oil, coal, geothermal, nuclear power, and renewable energy.


A Mosaic of Indonesia Energy Policy

  • IPB Press
  • Rp. 77.000


Indonesia’s energy problems are multifaceted and challenging. This book describes the situation clearly and at the same time the content represents a ‘mosaic’ of the complicated energy problems the country is facing. Among the topics covered are energy policy issues on the development of natural gas, electricity, oil, coal, geothermal, nuclear power, and renewable energy.

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